Tuesday 10 December 2013


   Well, two months ago, on the twentieth of October we had a trip to "Amposta park" in Tarragona.

   We said good bye to ours families and then we were 8 hours in buss and finally we arrived Amposta at 6 ó clock. We met all the monitors and the other class of Madrid that were there too. They were funny people and fantastic childrens and monitors. The monitors were always speaking english, all the explanations of the games,the rules... And all of us understood it.

   My favourite game was the Phalen Silux were we had to draw 9 pictures each team. Later, the oppossite teams had to run, memorize the pictures and copy them. You had to run because if the other team cach you, you have to return to your base.

   We played a lot of games and we went to a rice farm, a aeolic park, to the beach, to make perchar and some others that I can't remind well.

   The last day we returned to Cartagena and met our parents. This was the best experience.

   This is a photo with the teachers, monitors and all our friends.

Monday 9 December 2013


     Hello everybody! this is my fist entry this year and now I'm in the second year ESO and I'm into a bilingüal group. This year we have music and maths in english, that's great!. I had good marks in english, so this is why I'm into a bilingüal group other time. this summer was good, I went to my house in Mazarron and I met another time my friendsand always the bests.

     This summer my family and I went to Barcelona because my father had a course there. Before this we went to port aventura and we were in all the atraccions; they were really good!! 

     We almost went to the Camp Nou and to the cosmo caixa.It was really interesting and It was like a park of sciences and we saw in the camp nou a museum with all the cups of the team.

Then we returned to Cartagena to go to the high school. I love It!! 

Wednesday 17 April 2013


Hey, I'm Yago now this morning the inspector is going to our school and he or she is going to look my blog!! and I want to tell you that this afternoon we have a class of LEGO and we want to make machins with pieces of lego... It's great!!! In our school we have a project called "Beliving in humanity" and people of others countries are going to meet us. It's incredible!!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013


Hello, I'm Yago Alarcón García and I'm twelve years old and I'm in first year a (1ºA) and I'm into a bilingüal group. I created this blog for english so, I want to speak english. I our school we have an official page:http://www.iesmediterraneo.es/ 

My jovis are fishing too and I like meeting friends. My favourite program is Pepa Pig and I put this underground because it remind me Pepa pig.   BYE FOR NOW!!!! :):)


Hello!! I'm in the group solidarity concert now and we want to sing the song "IMAGINE" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRhq-yO1KN8  It's nice. The friday we go to a residence to be with the elderly people and they are very funny when we go. We play with them some games like bingo and chess!!!