Now I'm going to tell you some things about the envioronment.

   The biophysical envioronment is the biotic and abiotic surrounding of an organism or population, and includes particulary the factors that have an influence in their survival, development and evolution. The maked them envioronment can refer to different concepts, but is often used as a short form for the biophysical envioronment. This practice is common, for instance, among governaments which entitle agencies dealing with denominations such us Envioronmet agency.

                                                          SOSTENIBLE DEVELOPMENT

   The sostenible development uses in a responsable way the natural resources without wasting them, so it produces a balance between the human activity and the enviroment impact.

   I think this is very important, in order to improve our enviroment. For example: if we spend too much wood from the trees, animals will become excint.

                                                          REDUCE, REUSE AND RECICLE

   These are the three "R":

   Reduce: means that we have to minimize the consume of things wich pollute our enviroment. Try to waste and use less things, just what is necessary.

   Recycle: means to throw the same materials together in order to be able to clean them and prepare them to be used again.

   Reuse: means to use again. We have to use things as many times as we can, not to throw them to the bim when we only use them once.


     Energy  can manifest un different ways: un form of movement, heat, electricity, electromagnetic, radiation...
There are many types of energies bit the most importante ones are: chemical, nuclear, sound, thermal or calorific, mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, hidraulic, twind, etc.


Renewable energies are the energies that won't run out, like sunlight, water or wind.They are energies that we can use as many times as we want.

Non-renewable energies are the ones that will run out, like oil, natural gas, coal...