Four years ago I was 11
and I was going to enter in 1st year of the Compulsory
Secondary Education in IES Mediterraneo.

When the
date of starting school was coming, I became becoming nervous because I heard
about practical jokes, so we (me and my friends that will come to the same high
school) to go with Javi because he was the tallest of the group.
It couldn’t be
possible so the first day I went with Raul and Antonio and we were in alert all
time. In the moment we arrived there I understood why the people told me that I
was too little.I felt sickness because of my friends of the school that won’t
study with me but we made a lot of new friends that changed our lifes.
Now I’m studying at 4th of CSE at the same
high school and In contrast, I feel comfortable and very happy about my friends,
the lessons, the teachers and it’s like a new world, another part of my life
that I’m sharing with all of you.
Winning a prize in the First Lego League